Dentist in Putnam Shapes Smiles with Cosmetic Dental Bonding

September 8, 2016

Chipped, cracked or oddly shaped teeth spoil smiles. Cosmetic dentists in Putnam, Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn, offer dental bonding to fix smile defects.Good oral health is one of life’s great blessings, but if people feel they cover their healthy smiles because they are self-conscious about stains, chips, crowding and gaps, something must change. Your cosmetic dentists in Putnam, Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn, remake marred teeth into beautiful smiles through their array of aesthetic dental treatments.

What is Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

One of the aesthetic dental treatments Dr. McGinn offers is composite resin bonding, also called cosmetic dental bonding. This quick and comfortable process repairs tooth enamel defects in just one dental appointment. It requires no anesthesia, no drilling or scraping, and no messy oral impressions. Chips, hairline fractures, discoloration, spaces, and exposed tooth roots are covered and beautified seamlessly a single, easy treatment.

Dr. McGinn uses an inventive, putty-like material made of acrylic and porcelain to recontour a smile. The dentist carefully prepares the tooth surfaces to receive an etching and conditioning liquid. These chemicals help the composite resin to bond securely to the natural tooth enamel.

Next comes application of the composite resin. Dr. McGinn sculpts the material, trimming and shaping to achieve just the right look. The doctor actually layers the resin and cures it with a special light. When satisfied with the color, size and configuration of the tooth, the doctor checks the bite. He or she polishes the resin to a natural-looking sheen to blend in with adjacent teeth.

Additional Information about Bonding

Cosmetic dental bonding is very durable and lasts as long as ten years or more with good care. However, it is not as resilient as all-ceramic crowns, dental implants or porcelain veneers. So, patients must avoid hard foods, such as peanut brittle and ice cubes or anything else they may bite down on which could chip the bonded surface.

Also, resin-bonded teeth can show some staining–more than dental  crowns or tooth-colored fillings.  So, patients should limit deeply pigmented foods, such as blueberries, curry and tomato sauce, and also dark beverages, such as coffee, black tea, red wine and cola. Rinsing with water after consumption or brushing as soon as possible prevents discoloration.

Other Available Aesthetic Treatments

Cosmetic dental bonding is just one treatment from a menu of aesthetic services Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn offer. Other options include very realistic and dazzling porcelain veneers and professional teeth whitening. Tooth-colored fillings, full and partial dentures, fixed bridges and dental implants are innovative restorations that are of a great cosmetic benefit, too. The dentists often combine services for a completely beautiful smile makeover.

Cosmetic Bonding Improves Smiles

Contact Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn for your cosmetic smile consultation. Learn the many advantages of composite resin bonding. Be sure to check-out our homepage for links to online patient reviews of our services.

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