FAQs on porcelain veneers from your Putnam dentist

July 11, 2016

Putnam Dental VeneersAre you looking for a permanent, durable improvement for your smile? Porcelain veneers from Putnam dentists, Drs. Walter and Carolyn McGinn, beautifully remake smiles which have defects such as cracks, chips, odd shape and size and deep stains related to smoking, diet and age. Read these frequently asked questions to learn more about this popular aesthetic improvement, and think about whether dental veneers in Putnam could help your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions about veneers

  1. What is a porcelain veneer? A porcelain veneer, or dental laminate, is a tooth-shaped cover made from dental grade ceramic. The skilled Putnam cosmetic dentist bonds veneers on teeth marred by cosmetic problems such as large chips or deep discoloration. A permanent treatment, veneers are durable, tooth-colored and stain resistant.
  2. Who can receive Putnam dental veneers? Adults and older teens without extensive decay or gum disease make great candidates for veneers. Patients should also have good at-home hygiene habits and see Dr. McGinn for semi-annual cleanings and exams. Pregnant and lactating women should postpone getting laminates or any elective dental procedure.
  3. Why are porcelain veneers considered permanent? Veneers are a permanent aesthetic dental service because Dr. McGinn must remove a ½ slice of enamel from the front of each tooth receiving a laminate. The doctor does this so porcelain veneers fit well inside the patient’s mouth. While laminates are being custom-fabricated in an outside dental lab, the individual wears temporary veneers which are natural-looking but constructed from a less durable material.
  4. How long does it take to recover from the procedure? Recovery is probably too strong a word when it is applied to porcelain veneers. The enamel preparation is quick and comfortable. Patients usually need no local anesthetic, and while teeth may be a bit sensitive to heat and cold afterwards, this resolves quickly. Also, after dental veneers are placed, the individual adjusts to the feel and bite right away as the Putnam dentist takes great care in adjusting fit, size, color and shape.
  5. How long do porcelain veneers last? The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry states that porcelain veneers typically last 7 to 20 years or beyond. Patients must brush twice daily and floss once a day just as they do their untreated teeth. Other recommendations include:
    • Avoiding hard foods such as peanut brittle and ice and never opening packages or bottles with your teeth
    • Wearing a mouthguard when playing sports
    • Wearing a custom-made nightguard to protect teeth from clenching and grinding (bruxism)

Porcelain veneers could change your smile

Only your skilled cosmetic dentist in Putnam can tell you if dental laminates are the right treatment for your new smile. The doctors also offer professional teeth whitening and cosmetic bonding and shaping to achieve a wonderfully refreshed look appropriate for your age, gender and facial structure.

Contact Carolyn E. McGinn DMD and Walter P. McGinn DMD today to learn more about porcelain veneers and all aspects of cosmetic dentistry. You’ll love the team’s friendly and individualized approach to your oral health and best smile.

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