Gum Disease: Learn the Causes, Treatment & Prevention

October 30, 2015

gum disease treatmentGums. They’re the kind of thing you don’t think about when they’re healthy — but as soon as they start to cause problems, you quickly realize just how important they are. Unfortunately, sometimes that’s already too late. Did you know that nearly half of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease? And that the infection can have serious repercussions on the rest of the body? Keep reading to learn more about the condition — from its causes and prevention to the gum disease treatment. Dr. Carolyn and Walter McGinn, your Quiet Corner dentists, are in.

Gum Disease: A Serious(ly preventable) Condition

In order to understand just how easy it is to prevent gum disease, you must consider its number one cause: poor oral hygiene. When plaque isn’t thoroughly removed through proper brushing and flossing, the sticky substance is able to form into the hard, porous stuff we call tartar — and gum disease or gingivitis is soon to follow.

So, what’s the key to preventing gum disease? Brushing for two minutes, twice a day, flossing once a day and keeping up with your twice-annual visits to your Putnam dentists. It really is that simple.

There are some other risk factors for gum disease, too. They include:

  • Age — older adults are more likely to develop the condition
  • Smoking or tobacco use
  • Female hormonal changes, like menopause
  • Illnesses that weaken the immune system, like AIDS and diabetes
  • Genetic factors

How Your Putnam Dentist Treats Gum Disease

Gum disease in its earliest stages is what we call gingivitis. You’ve probably heard of that, too — and the good news is it’s easily reversed by extra-vigilant brushing, flossing and maybe a couple extra visits to the dentist. Once the signs of gingivitis have gone away, it will be crucial for you to maintain excellent oral hygiene habits.

Once the infection has been allowed to form into a more serious form of gum disease, your dentist in Putnam, CT may choose to perform something we call scaling and root planing. This is a nonsurgical treatment that involves scaling, or removing, the tartar from above and below the gum line, and planing, or smoothing, rough spots on the tooth root. A local anaesthetic is available during this treatment for your total comfort.

Sometimes gum disease is so severe that it cannot be treated nonsurgically. Some surgical methods for dealing with the condition include lifting back the gums to remove tartar, performing bone or soft tissue grafts to replace parts damaged by the disease or possibly guided tissue regeneration.

Your treatment will depend on your unique case. Whatever it is your mouth requires, you can be sure Dr. Carolyn or Walter McGinn will develop a treatment plan that works.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you have any remaining questions about the prevention, causes or treatment of gum disease — or if you suspect you are suffering from the condition — don’t hesitate to schedule your appointment at Quiet Corner Dental. Your Putnam dentists want to help your mouth look and feel its absolute best — contact us today!

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