White Spots On Your Teeth? A Cosmetic Dentist in Putnam Can Help!

August 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — quietdoc @ 1:20 pm

A woman smiling If you have white spots on your teeth, you probably know how a seemingly small cosmetic flaw can become the entire focal point of your smile. No matter how the rest of your smile looks, you probably zoom right in on the white spots every time you look in the mirror. It doesn’t help that they’re stubborn and can’t be polished away like other types of discoloration. But that doesn’t mean a cosmetic dentist in Putnam can’t do anything about them! There are multiple solutions that can completely mask your white spots and bring the focus of your smile back to where it belongs. Keep reading to learn what causes white spots and how you can treat them!

What Can You Do About White Spots?

There are multiple causes of white spots:

  • Fluorosis – Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens the enamel and makes it resistant to tooth decay. However, ingesting too much fluoride (which often happens when a natural water supply contains too much) can cause the teeth to develop white spots, a “mottled” appearance, and a rough texture.
  • Demineralization – You can think of demineralization as the opposite of fluorosis. It occurs when the enamel has lost its mineral content that makes it hard and tough, causing soft spots to develop that take on a chalky, white appearance.
  • Developmental Defects – Something called “enamel hypoplasia” can occur if children are exposed to high fever, certain medications, or nutritional deficiencies while their teeth are developing. These exposures can cause the teeth to develop abnormally and have white spots.

What Can You Do About White Spots?

The type of treatment a dentist in Putnam recommends will depend on the cause and severity of your white spots. Here are some of the options:

  • Enamel Microabrasion – This involves removing a thin layer of enamel to remove the white spots before using a whitening treatment that will give the teeth a white, uniform appearance.
  • Fluoride – If the cause of your white spots is demineralization, the first thing a dentist might recommend is a professional fluoride treatment, as well as using a prescription-strength fluoride paste at home. Once the health of the tooth is restored, they may recommend whitening or another cosmetic treatment as well.
  • Porcelain Veneers – For severe white spots, porcelain veneers are an outstanding option. Strong, wafer-thin “shells,” veneers are adhered to the front of the teeth to give them a whole new appearance. The shape and color is precisely matched to the rest of your smile so your veneers will look very natural.
  • Whitening – In some cases, white spots are mild enough that a professional whitening treatment will take care of them.

White spots can be the only thing you see when you look in the mirror. But with one of these treatments, they don’t have to be!

About the Author

Dr. Walter McGinn is a general, restorative and cosmetic dentist in Putnam who gets immense professional satisfaction from helping his patients feel great about their smile. Whether it’s stubborn white spots or other types of discoloration, he has multiple ways to effectively treat them. If you have white spots on your teeth and have any additional questions, he can be reached via his website or at (860) 481-7094.

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