How to Care for Your Dentures in Putnam

November 17, 2016

Dentures can stay attractive and functional for years. Putnam dentists, Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn, tell how to best care for these prosthetics.Partial and full dentures restore oral function, preserve facial appearance and allow people to eat and speak normally. This appliances need regular care so they keep doing their jobs. Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn craft state of the art dentures for their patients in Putnam. Plus, they help patients with regular at-home and in-office care so dentures stay bright and functional as long as possible.


Fill your smile gaps with dental implants

January 29, 2016

dental implants putnamStress, anxiety and embarrassment — these are just a few of the feelings our patients who are missing teeth report. It’s the stress of not being able to eat like you used to, the anxiety of speaking without all your teeth and the embarrassment of smiling with a big gap. We hate to hear when people experience these side effects of missing teeth, but we also feel so proud to be able to offer a wonderful solution with dental implants in Putnam. Keep reading to learn how you can benefit from the whole tooth replacement from your dentist in Putnam in 2016!
